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Mean Girls

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou  Mean things are remembered. A neighbor, friend and even old co-worker back in my travel agent days had a daughter in Blair’s kindergarten class. She had called me…


Saying I have been busy is a lame excuse. I am a perfectionist, that is my real excuse. I did not want to share a new blog until I could give it my full attention. In adulthood, perfectionism is how my ADHD manifests itself. If you ever told high school Blair that she would be…

Time to End a Saying: Sympathy is in the Dictionary Between Suicide and Syphilis

I had a couple of serious relationships before I got married. When those relationships ended, I was devastated. I was forever going to be alone. Quite frankly, this was another grieving process I had endured. There are many kinds of losses that feel like emptiness can never be full or whole again. How do we…

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