Wearing Whats Impressive – Part 2

It wasn’t until last year that I had this idea that I wanted to be a lawyer. I am so passionate about poverty, the American education system, and juvenile justice. Making things wrong, right. I could see myself in a Chanel tweed black and white suit absolutely ripping the wrong people to shreds. Shedding light and justice into what needs it. With the whole law school thing, I just kind of dived in come this fall. For the last six months, I have been studying for the LSAT and I can honestly say I wasn’t going to do terribly and then it hit me. I am not sure what but, it hit me and all this uncertainty came. Why was I doing this? Who is this for?

Then I realized that this career path was to impress other people. I don’t want to put myself in a box and limit myself to this career right now. I need to practice what I preach by being true to myself. Sure, I am passionate and could see myself doing this not to mention law school looks really impressive especially after all the challenges and loss I have faced in my life so far. It was almost a revenge for me. Revenge at the teachers who didn’t believe in me and revenge with my peers.

My parents and boyfriend have been very supportive with this decision and truthfully, I could care less what other people think. So for now the LSAT is on hold in my mind’s back stock until further notice. I realized that I don’t want to impress people. I mean shouldn’t I already get an impressive pass just for waking up and doing something every day after my brother took his life? Isn’t me breathing enough? I wanted to be this high and mighty lawyer for the acceptance of my peers and others around me then I thought who I am.

I am my authentic self and I am impressive enough by being who I am. I am changing the world already by being me and leaving a positive mark on this world. I am impressive because I am perfectly me. I plan on still helping people, I plan on going far, I plan on righting the wrongs one day. My success at being me is revenge enough. At the end of the day I am one tag on a clothing item and whatever item I am tagged to and or end up wearing will be utterly amazing, astounding, impressive all done with every single ounce of love and fire in my heart. 

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