2 X 2

I have always been into spirituality and learning about different religions, the higher power, psychic and mediums. Hey, anything to get through. Right? My daughter Blair is into it too and this is where she gets it from. I would say that, that is one of our coping mechanisms, as it is for so many people. We started this blog just to share our experiences and some of our challenges. This week as Blair and I were talking about how I was really going to get started in sharing my stories more in depth I told her my goals are to share how I am surviving everyday. At times it is humor, and a lot of times it’s friends, therapy, and thinking of my future that I used to have and will have one day. I have always had strength to reach a goal. Right now my goal is to share my experience, strength and hope. In short terms right now that is me binge watching Netflix and being in 3 book clubs.

During this conversation we were talking about our last family trip as a family of four in 2017, we had the best time. We accompanied my husband on a business trip to Denver Colorado. During that trip the weather changed from an 80 degree Summer day to a 40 degree snow festival so needless to say Blair and I took advantage of some shopping. Our favorite stop was the Rocky Mountains and one day as we were walking around the city, we saw this sign on a church that said “Jesus had two dads and he turned out just fine.” My family and I were cracking up as they took pictures of me in front of it. Questioning “Mom also has two dads and we’re not sure how she turned out but she’s here.” That’s right I am here. 

I then began to think that everything comes in twos. Noah’s Ark animals traveled in two, there are two Kits Kats per package. Socks come in a pair of two. Eyes and Ears usually come in pairs of two. So at the time I had my own ark, my two dads, my two dogs and my two kids. All I was missing was two husbands, but my husband was on his second wife. So I think that covers it. I am very into tarot cards and my favorite tarot card is the ten of cups. Things on the card can come in twos as well. If you look at the card it is two adults and two kids and to me that is my forever family. When I look at the card I get a “yay we did it” vibe. 

A quick side story, I was taking my son for therapy a while ago and they asked me for our family history. I started with my husband and they said they didn’t even need to hear mine. When we got married we decided to start our own family because both of our families were chaotic and messy. This has been a staple mantra for our marriage whenever major decisions need to be made. For example plots at the cemetery. Again, a story for another time. We still talk to biological families here and there but, our real family is the nuclear family we made and of course our family of friends. 

I wanted to make a genogram for the blog. A genogram is a diagramed family tree without all the pretty leaves and need for ancestry.com.  I have shared it with you below so I could talk about the players in my stories with clarity of how they are related to me. Moral of this post is everyone has a genogram no matter what their circumstances are.  If your family is biological or friends or a little bit of both, like me. No matter how many dads you have you can turn out just fine. Please share below in the comments a little bit about who is in your family. 

2 thoughts on “2 X 2”

  1. I loved reading about your inter most thoughts. We have been through a lot together all 50 years
    since you were six years old. I love you and will continue till the day I leave this earth.
    Your DAAD

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