Always Dancing In The Moonlight With You

We were always listening to the classic 60’s and 70s songs growing up in my dad’s car. If my dad had it his way we would also be listening to the 50’s too, but my mom put her foot down on that one because she didn’t want the kids at school to think we were weird (I say too late on that one). One may say my dad is stuck in the 70s, with my mom. (They are stuck together and it is a total time warp in our house sometimes and I am stuck in it too.) However, I am grateful for this culture and one of my favorite songs growing up has been Dancing In the Moonlight by King Harvest, the 1973 classic. This song was always on repeat in my Dad’s car and his ‘63 Grand Prix, named Trixie. This song really resonates with me and will always remind me of my past, present and future relationship with my dad. This is my dad. 

My dad has truly been so fun between going all out on halloween every year, growing up my personal favorite was Willy Wonka to making up games with me at the park. Whenever I would take a bath I had my very own spa entertainment of the Hokey Pokey and the Rubber Duckie song from Sesame Street. When my mom worked full time my dad stepped up to the plate and made sure my hair was blown out after bath time and my nails were cut and would also dabble with the pigtails in the morning. We always watched all the old television shows like Partridge Family and Family Affair. My dad would always watch my made up Broadway performances in my room of me singing A Chorus Line. Over the years he was very inventive one time he made my brother a Hot Wheels car garage on the computer using a shoebox and I decided I wanted something too, so he made me a pet store for my Littlest Pet Shop. 

Over the years my dad has been my voice of reason, my editor in chief on a multitude of essays, my personal photographer and someone there to call if needed. I know for a fact that I lucked out in the dad department, especially after I tell you this story. In middle school when the girls I was friends with were giving me a hard time and I they decided that I could not eat lunch with them anymore my dad picked me up Olgas my favorite restaurant signed me out of school and together I ate my lunch in his Ford Fusion in the school parking lot until lunch was over and he signed me back in. 

So relating back to the song Dancing in the Moonlight. This is the song I have chosen for my dad and I to celebrate, remember and cultivate our future relationship. I imagine us dancing to it at my wedding. I also imagine him playing it for all 19 of his grandchildren (winky-face, I do not want 19 kids). I also will always remember our memories in the old car, or listening to it while he picked me up from school. My dad will always be the shoulder to cry on, my editor in chief and the best dad to me in the world. Although his son passed away he wakes up everyday with a smile ready to contribute to the world. Even when I do not want to make small talk, or am not a morning person please know I love you so much! I do count my blessings everyday that I have him as a dad. Ethan and I both lucked out. Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there but especially mine. Thank You!

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