And Just Like That

Should old acquaintances really be forgotten? Each year I have found a giant roller coaster of interactions with people. I was out to lunch with my friend in 2020 when she mentioned to me, “Blair you are such a Carrie.” I responded with “Aww Thanks.” “Blair, Carrie is the worst character on Sex and The City. I hate her.” We continued to be friends for another year. In the beginning of last year, she told me that “I didn’t work hard enough.” 

And then I realized, this year I felt like I finally had time to comprehend the last 23 years of my life. I began this year in a terrible three month depression. I got deferred from a program I was interested in. I broke up with one of my best friends and most importantly I have learned how to work and be around very difficult people that for whatever reason keep coming into my life. I analyzed my interactions with peers and families, and I had the opportunity to render my past and move forward. Growing up it hasn’t been easy, I felt that I was always beaten down and never good enough. Why is it so hard to learn how to play the game of life? This year has felt like one long game of Russian Roulette

Not only did the new Sex and the City spin-off come out, but the Friends Reunion happened along with Michigan State winning the U of M game and the final season of the Kardashians has ended on E. Not to mention this grueling pandemic that most days seems there will never be an end to. I have people in my life that love and respect me and give me their undivided attention and unconditional priceless love. This year I have learned what I am worthy of, and that is my dreams, my friends, and my family. I refuse to let anything have power over me and I have decided that my New Years resolution will be to love because that is my life purpose. In fact that is all of our life’s purpose: to love. So yes, I feel that old acquaintances should be forgotten. This year my New Year’s Resolution will be to give people a clean slate and be weary of the ones that wronged me. I have decided that this year I will measure my success in kindness. Instead of seeing the glass half empty or full, I am going to be grateful that I have a glass at all this year. I am a survivor of 2021. And, just like that today we will move forward into 2022.

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