Wearing What’s Impressive-Part 1

I’ve been working in retail at my favorite store for the last few weeks, to have something to do right now with so much uncertainty. Last week I was putting security tags on these stunning white eyelet dresses getting ready for the springtime. I noticed the tag on the dress said what the dress was made of and how to take care of it, like most clothing items have. It said 50% cotton, 50% silk handmade, wash in cold water, air dry etc. I then began to think woah… what would my tag say on me if I was a dress? I think it would say 25% strength, 25% hope, 25% love, 25% empathy. Delicate item wash gently, handle with care.

I’d say the biggest part of me is my genuine spirit. I am so comfortable with who I am and being true to myself. That is what people love about me. I feel like I have lost that mojo about me the last couple of months. I’ve never ever wanted to be put in a box. Growing up there was always a concern about my academic achievements. I graduated high school with honors and got into a Big 10 university. Aside from these accomplishments my strength didn’t lie in math or science. My strength lied in my emotional intelligence and ability to communicate.

I was so high in my communication skills and emotional intellect that there was never an accurate read on psychological tests for me growing up. Emotional intelligence and communication skills are what I pride myself on. I am very self-aware, and I am aware of others around me. However, because I was just average in those other subjects I wasn’t considered successful. My success was being measured by the box my peers were in. It was always a struggle growing up amongst my peers. There were days where I sat alone at lunch, there were days when time was moving so slowly I thought my school days would never end. I was always happy playing my imaginative games whenever I came home from school no matter what age.

I have always known that I was special and I was different but that didn’t mean that it still did not hurt. I have always given myself love and appreciation and this is something that I still work on and always will. I think it is natural as a human. Growing up I knew I was destined for big things and I still truly feel that way. As an empath, I understand what the world needs in order for everyone to thrive. I want to change the world. I want to change people. I have always been thinking of different ways to do that.