Rose Colored Lenses

A few months ago I was consulting with someone for spiritual guidance on the acceptance of others. She said to me “Blair, you know you are an amazing person. These people have their human glasses on and they can’t see how special you are because of their life experiences. People can be so limited.” Sometimes I don’t know if I am making up this mistreatment of myself because of my own inadequacies or anxieties or if people really have bullied me and mistreated me. For example I was on Instagram and it suggested I follow someone that I grew up with. I went to preschool with this person, went to his bar mitzvah and graduated high school with him. I decided to give him a follow to keep connected. He accepted my follow request but didn’t want to follow me back. Am I truly not good enough for him to want to follow me back? These could be my lenses? What do your lenses tell you? 

This is just one quick example this week that I can give to you. Either way today I know I am so not alone when I think of the many people who may have my same anxieties. After all, it’s human nature to want to be included and liked by others. There are many other people who quite frankly just lack empathy or are narcissistic without meaning to be. I have realized there are people with different priorities than mine. I am sure you’ve heard of saying see the world through Rose Colored Lenses. According to rose colored lenses means “A cheerful optimistic view of things, usually without valid basis.” I have come to terms that the idea of others having different colored lenses is the only concrete explanation I can give myself when dealing with difficult, mean people or people that have a low self esteem and lack of self awareness.  

I have discovered these people are somehow unable to learn from their struggles or hide them behind a facade. It’s hard for me because I truly want to help them, but we see through different glasses or lenses. When venting to others, I am told we are to feel bad for these people and although I am an empath I sometimes find it hard to feel bad for those that don’t accept me. Although I know this is because of their own insecurities. The truth is that our lenses can be many colors other than rose. They’re foggy, they’re progressive lenses, trifocal, bifocal, plastic, scratch resistant and so on. It is okay to see the world differently. We were all given different experiences for a reason and this is why we have different lenses. I believe on a spiritual level that we are all handed the cards we are dealt to learn from, after we have learned we can then begin to help others, have empathy and support one another. So this is why we go to an ophthalmologist or optometrist every two years because our prescriptions are supposed to change.